CIVIS at a glance

The CIVIS Media Foundation supports the media's addressing issues relating to European immigration societies. It encourages media professionals to take a competent look at migration, integration, cultural diversity and - linked to this - social cohesion. Using a variety of instruments, the foundation has continuously supported reporting that highlights successes while not ignoring problems.

Voices on CIVIS

The first CIVIS Prize was initially awarded in 1988 as a television prize. The CIVIS Media Prize is now awarded in the categories Audio, Video, Young C. and Cinema.

Committed experts from the media, science and culture, who come together every year in selection committees and juries, decide on the winners of the CIVIS Media Prize.

The winning entries in each category, successful against strong European competition, are announced at the annual award ceremony. Several television stations, including ARD/Das Erste, broadcast the ceremony.

What used to be the media conference until 2022 is now the Media Dialogue. The new high-profile gathering focusses on the exchange between stakeholders from the media, academia and civil society organizations.

In the forum, the connection between the media and a diverse society is examined from various perspectives and against the backdrop of specific issues.

The media talk promotes discussion with, and learning from, each other - for example in “quoted. der medienpodcast” or in the Instagram format “medientalk live”.

In the media podcast quoted, communication scientist Nadia Zaboura and SZ journalist Nils Minkmar analyze current reporting and media discourse on the immigration society.

In the media podcast quoted, communication scientist Nadia Zaboura and SZ journalist Nils Minkmar analyze current reporting and media discourse on the immigration society.

The Instagram format ‚medientalk live‘ offers input on CIVIS topics such as the question of how people with international biographies are represented in the media.
To address these issues, our hosts Nadine Hadad and Marspet Movsisyan invite experts as well as non-specialist users to have their say in the Instagram format ‚medientalk live‘.

Award ceremonies
Berlin, Brussels, Ljubljana,
Strasbourg, Cologne,
Vienna, Warsaw
Jury meetings
Berlin, Vienna, Bern,
Zurich, Ljubljana, Cologne
Media conferences / media dialog
Berlin, Cologne
Media talk
Leipzig, Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg